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How to care for fresh flowers

We believe when you take care of the flower stem you have done all you can to help the flower to bloom and display its most vibrant colour. All flowers should have their stems cut when you get home to unblock the stems and help ensure adequate water is able to travel up the stem.

Four simple steps to care for your flowers

  1. Cut stems
  2. Fresh water
  3. Remove leaves from below water level
  4. Feed the flowers

This is especially necessary for roses as they are not well-known for their long vase-life. After you purchase a bunch of roses, if you find they are drooping their heads, fill them up to their necks in water or lie them in a bath of water for several hours to help rehydrate the rose – trust us, this works amazingly!

Try purchasing lillies up to one week before you want them fully open if buying them tight. A a good quality lily will hold its open bloom in good condition for several days after opening often looking more magnificent each time you look at it. Lillies love some food to help their blooms open up.

If you have purchased or received a floral arrangement in oasis it is important to daily make sure there is adequate water and it feels moist. Flowers are often still opening once displayed in an arrangement and still require water for this process through their stems. Another way to prolong your flowers after purchase is to keep them out of direct sunlight or heat from a heater. However, if this best suits where you want to show-off your stems of gorgeous flowers, then go for it! Put them wherever your heart desires to enjoy them and we know you will do just that!


The main thing to do with the carnation is to cut the stems when you get them home. Give them fresh water every few days and recut the ends a little. You can get two to three weeks out of our locally grown carnations if you look after them. It is also a good idea to strip any green tags that are sitting below the water line. Enjoy the great choice at Stems Flower Market and enjoy the long vase-life the carnation gives.


Gerberas will last longer and look better in the vase if you wire them. Florist wires are available to purchase from us here at Stems Flower Market, in Ballarat.


Roses are striking and gorgeous but are not known for their long vase-life. There are steps you can take to ensure you give them the best possible life in your vase after you have chosen them from the team at Stems Flower Market.

First, it is essential that you snip the end of the stems to ensure the water has the best possible chance of getting up to the rose head where it is needed to bring your flower to its full potential. Remove the leaves from below the water line, give the flowers some food, which we stock. It is also a good idea to keep them out of direct sunlight and other elements such as heat from a heater.

If the rose heads start flopping over soon after you have purchased them, this often means they are dehydrated. Don’t despair, rehydrate them by recutting their stems and putting them in a big vase of water up to their heads their entire stem in water overnight. It’s amazing how this works – try it!


Cymbidium Orchids are one of the most recognisable orchids and are know for being low maintenance yet stunningly beautiful. While they do require watering year-round, make sure you don’t over water them or the leaves will become droopy and sad looking! Put them in a well-lit location – they also love humidity so put them in the steamy bathroom now and then for a humidity fix!


Tulips like to have their stems freshly cut prior to going into your vase. Flower food is a great idea with these flowers and they are less likely to do well in a heated environment. Many people relocate their vases of tulips to the coldest room in their homes overnight to give them longer vase-life.


These striking flowers have hard stems which seal up after being cut. Once you get your Warratahs home, if it hasn’t already been smashed by the Stems Flower Market team then grab a hammer and smash the end a few times. This opens it up and allows the uptake of water into the stem!

We use the freshest seasonal flowers to ensure you can enjoy stunning floral arrangements in your home, office, or otherwise – all year round. We also cater to weddings with bridal bouquets and vase hire. Shop online for floral arrangements and gifts now!