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Christmas in July 2015

June 4 2015

If you are one of those motivated kind of people and are thinking of hosting a Christmas in July dinner  party well you  just might be needing one of our fresh trees. Grown locally here in Ballarats rich volcanic soil our trees not only delight the eyes with their healthy green foliage but also the nose with that crisp fresh pine tree smell.   We don’t even think you need to decorate it.  A natural tree left to its own beauty with all that lush emerald tree foliage looks amazing.

Christmas Tree paddock

So if you haven’t done it before why not host yourself a little Christmas in July party, get that fire burning, smell the fresh pine tree, cook the Turkey and grab yourself a yummy bottle of red.

Experience a Christmas like our friends on the other side of the world.

Who knows we might even get some snow!   I’m dreaming of a white Christmas……