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#Stemsisbold Comp

October 23 2015

Well Ballarat is just buzzing at the moment and much of that is thanks to the Ballarat Art Gallery hosting the Archibald Prize. http://www.artgalleryofballarat.com.au

You have until the 15th Nov to come and see the Archies in our beautiful city  http://www.visitballarat.com.au

The school kids have been drawing junior Archies and they are all displayed in shop windows in the heart of the city. There is a steady flow of people on our beautiful Lydiard St following the pink signs to view the amazing talent that is on display within the walls of the Art Gallery.

Here at Stems we just couldn’t help but be inspired by these talented Artists and so we decided to do a little in-house floral styling comp called ‘Stemsisbold’ .  There was one rule it needed to be done in a fishbowl 20.  A BIG special thankyou to Gordon Morrison the Director of Ballarat Arts Gallery for coming instore to judge the creations,  the team here at Stems really appreciated his time.

Heres  the creations.
