03 5334 4284 +61 3 5334 4284 Open 7 Days Delivery 7 Days 7 Mair Street East, Ballarat


May 5 2015

Flower Wall by Stems for Mothers Day

This weekend in Ballarat of course we are busily preparing for the day where we celebrate our MUMS. It also Ballarat Heritage Weekend and there is heaps to do all weekend. Hight teas are going on all over the place. Click here to find out more information http://www.ballaratheritageweekend.com Here at Stems we are making a…

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April 15 2015

Mums Day is on the way

Yes believe it or not its almost May and that means in flower world we celebrate our Mums with Mothers Day this year falling on the 10th May.  We have some fun things in the pipeline for the kids to get involved with over the weekend so watch this space.  Our local town Ballarat holds…

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February 25 2015

A touch of copper perhaps

Come on instore to Stems Ballarat sometime this week for some colour trend inspiration.  Heres one of our favourite on trend themes at the moment- copper

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February 21 2015

Thoughtful by Stems

  Sometimes we cannot find the words when we so desperately want to.  Let us send a Thoughtful for you in a beautiful vase with the words ‘Especially For You’ written on it.

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February 4 2015

In case we forget to tell you heres some tips about rose care

Roses are a thing of beauty, fleeting beauty but worth it.  Roses should be freshly cut before you put them into your clean vase at home. Sometimes they can droop their heads, this is a sign of dehydration.  To help your rose live a little longer re- cut the stems and fill your vase up…

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January 30 2015

Red Roses for Valentines Day all over the world

All over the world on Feb 14th is Valentines Day and here in Ballarat we are helping to spread the LOVE. This year Valentines Day falls on a Saturday so if you would like an ‘earlybird’ delivery before 7  ring or order online The ‘earlybird’ special is available for those ordering a dozen red roses…

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November 19 2014

Poinsettias are instore and ready to get you feeling festive

Yes we love a vibrant red poinsettia, it reminds me of Nans when I was young she always had one every Christmas so now I have started that tradition for my kids.  As soon as I see that big red leaf hit the store I grab one.  Now I need to successfully learn to plant…

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November 12 2014

Rocking around the Christmas tree……

Yes thats what the farm team are up to at the moment, rocking around our christmas tree farm pruning our trees ready for December. Jump online and order yours ready for delivery  https://www.stemsflowermarket.com.au/shop/

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November 4 2014

Our Spring market report

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October 15 2014

Spring Racing Carnival Preperations hot up at Stems flower Market Ballarat

At Stems we can help you put the finishing touches to your race day styling.  Race day flower, a floral headpiece our wrist corsage the team at stems can help you with your special requirements.   Here is a list of the race day flowers for this year 2014 Saturday 18th October Caufield cup day…

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